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Meet Alexis



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Master of Applied Positive Psychology (current)
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BSc Psych, Grad Dip Psych Science
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Registered Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Hello! I'm Alexis. I'm here to help you ditch exhaustion and fall in love with life again.

Here is the story of how I climbed out of the burnout rut and never looked back...


Nature or Nurture?

I’ve been drawn to people for as long as I can remember, and grew up in a family where kindness and looking after others was the norm. Nature plus nurture had created an empath, and at the end of my school years and after travelling the world a bit, I found myself studying psychology. It was a great fit, and I immersed myself in this people-science.

I worked my way through a few different jobs in the helping professions - mental health policy, residential care, child protection, youth work, school wellbeing programs and residential rehab. 

Personality traits like perfectionism and striving for achievement had their perks: I was good at setting goals and ticking them off on time. I thrived on praise for being a “diligent” and “efficient” employee, and being the one to get all the things done.

Ultimately though, this led me to overworking and undervaluing myself. A particularly bad habit I’d developed was putting the needs of others before my own. Self-care slid way down the to-do list as I continued to take on more.

In the messy middle of it all, I burned out.

Chronic stress had tipped my hormones out of balance, resulting in adrenal fatigue. I was physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted, with no real understanding of what was happening to me. Years of working in frontline roles with high exposure to trauma had left me depleted, depressed and disconnected from my own needs. 

I took time off work and did the most uncomfortable thing: sat in stillness for 10 days at a silent meditation retreat. Here, I couldn’t distract myself with being busy and instead met myself on the mat. There was nowhere to run, hide or escape to, and I confronted the fact that I had to change the way I was living and working.

Yoga, psychology and mindfulness were the three key elements that guided my recovery from burnout…
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Through my yoga practice, I learned to slow down and breathe. To be at home in my body.

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By working as a therapist, I was able to shift my mindset, re-pattern unhelpful thoughts and beliefs, and create healthier habits to cope with stress.

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In practicing mindfulness, I grew calm and still. More aware and accepting of reality.

I began to experience life in a different way. There was more fluidity, and less resistance. I was able to let go, receive and grow. I became more reflective, and less reactive. I healed my nervous system and got back to balance.


was really just the beginning...

Putting an end to the burnout cycle meant that I finally had the energy and freedom to start living life on my terms, mindfully instead of mindlessly. This experience inspired me to create a business to support others going through similar challenges, and I now have the pleasure of coaching those of you who are healing from chronic stress and burnout. I also support employers to create happy and healthy workplaces through our evidence-based integrated wellbeing model.

Now, even with two children under 2, I prioritise my wellbeing and don’t leave my health and happiness to chance. Motherhood has invited me to slow down even more and embrace the beautiful moments in between.

Balance in my life means knowing myself at the core level, remaining connected to the essence of who I am, and knowing when I need to push on or pull back. It also means I’m a mum that enjoys naps as much as an F45 workout, a yogi that likes coffee and champagne, and a business owner that sets high goals but refuses to burn out to achieve them.

Alexis Postans Wellbeing Consultant Mandurah
I created Total Life to help you reconnect with your humanity

All too often, the systems in which we work do not support the wellbeing of the humans working within them. As a society, we glorify hustling and hard work and are programmed to operate much like robots on autopilot. This has created a huge disconnect from ourselves and from each other, and has left us tired, wired and burnt-out.

I’m here to change that. I believe we can prevent stress and burnout, as well as intervene early, instead of waiting for a health crisis to happen before we take action. 

We need to believe that we are worthy of good health and vibrant energy, worthy of respectful and peaceful relationships, worthy of having a beautifully balanced and fulfilled life. When we decide we are worthy of these things and choose to swap exhausted for energised, we can start living, thriving, and truly flourishing like we deserve to.

So, welcome to Total Life! Thanks for being here.

- Alexis 

Alexis Postans Wellbeing Consultant Perth


  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

  • Graduate Diploma of Psychological Science

  • International Baccalaureate Diploma

  • Provide First Aid Certificate

  • Mental Health First Aid Certificate

  • Youth Self-Harm/ Self-Injury Behaviours Training

  • Building Resilience in Young People Training

  • Responding to FASD Training

  • Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Training

  • Suicide Prevention Training


  • Hosted several successful wellbeing retreats and workshops in 2022

  • Facilitated multiple one-on-one and group coaching programs, 2020-22

  • Program coordinator and lead clinician, Gunnebah Addiction Retreat, NSW, 2018-20

  • Wellbeing Programs Coordinator Balanced Choice, Darwin NT, 2017-18

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